Marketing Our Growers’ Fruit


Stemilt Growers LLC, and McDougall & Sons are the exclusive marketers of Peshastin Hi-Up pears. Based in Wenatchee, Washington near the renowned Wenatchee River Valley Pear District, Stemilt ad McDougall & Sons have reputations for excellence in marketing, sales, production and packing that perfectly complements Peshastin Hi-Up's mission to provide superior-quality pears to the market.

Hi-Up Pear farmers (l-r) Kameron Miller, Kerry “the handsome one” Miller and Jim Johnson at a recent Pear sampling during Leavenworth’s Holiday Tree Lighting

Hi-Up Pear farmers (l-r) Kameron Miller, Kerry “the handsome one” Miller and Jim Johnson at a recent Pear sampling during Leavenworth’s Holiday Tree Lighting

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Peshastin Hi-Up growers, Stemilt and McDougall & Sons are committed to delivering the ultimate heirloom pears, services, and marketing support to all its customers worldwide.

Member growers actively engaged in on-site and Peshastin Hi-Up grower-driven pear marketing and promotions

Third generation Peshastin Hi-Up family farmers (l-r) Dylan Miller, Brad Andruss and Austin Miller at the December 8, 2019 World Pear Day Walmart Pear sampling in Modesto, California

Third generation Peshastin Hi-Up family farmers (l-r) Dylan Miller, Brad Andruss and Austin Miller at the December 8, 2019 World Pear Day Walmart Pear sampling in Modesto, California

Order Peshastin Hi-Up pears today from your Stemilt and McDougall & Sons sales representatives and experience the positive difference our partnerships can make for your organization.